Toddler Room (18 months - 2.5 years)

Toddler (Todd Squad) Licensed Capacity = 15 Toddlers from 15 to 30 months.

Educators = 1 Registered Early Childhood Educator and 2 Educators with experience and/or other education.

Toddlers are inquisitive, busy going from activity to activity, starting to talk and enjoy dumping toys out. They enjoy getting messy and exploring the world around them.

Activities in the Todd Squad include lots of sensory activities, messy activities to allow lots of exploration to take place.

We start to build on their language skills through small group chats, reading stories, singing songs with actions, imaginative display with puppets, and dress up and pretend.

Self help skills are developed as they learn how to tidy up, feed themselves, use a cup, wash hands and face, brush teeth, and dress and undress themselves.

This is a time for learning self-control and identifying emotions. It’s important for this age group to feel secure, loved, and to be encouraged. Educators help the children to socialize and problem solve with peers in an appropriate manner.

Toddlers use a cot for sleep time. Cots are placed around the classroom at least 18 inches apart. We provide a sheet and we ask parents to provide a blanket and a stuffed animal for comfort for their child. The blankets will be sent home every Friday to be laundered. We focus on building your toddler’s self confidence and independence.

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